你是专业人士. 但即使是世界级的运动员也仍然在练习基础,而你要保持在顶峰 你的 game, you need to hone the techniques and habits that got you where you are today. 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® 询问了三位2021十大正规彩票app专家,你可以改善哪些基本条件,以在你的职业生涯中继续成长.


TREC要求您每两年完成18个小时的CE学分,以保持您的有效销售代理执照. 一些2021十大正规彩票app专业人士只完成了最低限度的学习,而且要等到最后一刻才去做,但本文采访的三位专家都敦促代理商和经纪人不断寻求相关的学习机会.

吉姆·帕尔, who has spent more than 35 years in commercial real estate, 相信教育是你在这个行业保持领先地位的另一种形式的会费.

教育并不局限于正式的课堂. 培训师和教育家朗达·汉密尔顿2021十大正规彩票app每天通过阅读行业出版物来学习一点东西, 听播客, 或者聘请教练. Attending marketing and networking events is also important.


Your local real estate market is constantly changing. You need to stay updated on what’s happening in 你的 community.

对帕尔, that means studying new developments and zoning ordinances, and learning new technology as it relates to commercial real estate.

姜昂格尔, who has spent more than 30 years in commercial real estate and residential investments, recommends following the local business and community news, 参加商会会议, 了解即将到来的发展, and being able to answer clients’ questions about trends and zoning changes.

“I know agents who still think Smithson Valley has only one area, when in fact the Comal County area near Smithson Valley consists of several cities, 如春枝, Bulverde, 和峡谷湖,她说。.

You may lose business if prospects think you are behind the times or not knowledgeable. 甚至可能存在责任问题. 昂格举了一个例子,他不知道一个采石场正在开发,然后把附近的房子卖给了一个患有哮喘的客户.

那些软技能——人际交往技能, 关系营销——在当今的市场中,关系营销对于继续取得成功和建立推荐业务至关重要.


Unger suggests you should not wait until the last minute to take TREC’s 法律 Update courses. Otherwise, you will have practiced real estate for almost two years with outdated information.

“A lot of agents aren’t looking at the changes TREC makes to the contracts,她说。. “如果你很长时间没有写过某种类型的合同,你可能不会意识到这些变化. You also need to be knowledgeable about which addendums to use with the contracts.

“There is a Municipal Utility District (MUD) form and a Planned Unit Development (PUD) form. 我发现很多2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®都没有意识到Hill Country的建筑商和开发商正在用mud和pud来抵消成本. 如果适用的话, 这两份文件必须在合同签订时或之前交付给买方,否则买方可以随时终止合同.”

许多代理商不知道在哪里找到这些文件,卖方必须填写表格, 不是代理人, 她还在继续.


汉密尔顿2021十大正规彩票app抽出30分钟或一个小时——最好是每天,但每周两到三次也很有帮助——用于发展业务的活动. That time should be as non-negotiable as a listing appointment. “从事2021十大正规彩票app行业很长时间的2021十大正规彩票app经纪人往往会在早上一开始就被电话和电子邮件所困扰. 这些义务告诉REALTOR®他或她的日程安排将是什么,而不是REALTOR®决定一天将如何进行,她说。.

Unger states you need to put in the time and effort to get ahead. “这是一份全职工作. 如果你想成功, 你需要每天投入8-10个小时, 你需要从一个时间表开始. 确保自己有一份清单. 我今天的电话都打完了吗? 有人敲过我的门吗?? 我使用社交媒体了吗? It’s persistence, organization, scheduling 你的self, and following through.”


Real estate agents should track every aspect of their business, according to Unger. “I ask, ‘Where are you are getting 你的 business from?’有些特工说,‘我不知道.’ You need to know where you’re getting 你的 business from,她说。.

Take a look at the workflow systems you have in place to conduct business, Hamilton adds. “If you’ve been in business for a while, then you’re busy. 你能继续发展的唯一方法是,如果你有系统,如果你在适当的地方外包业务, so you are focusing on income-producing results.”


You must stay current with the most effective marketing techniques. Brush up on 你的 social media; the best ways to engage on the major platforms have changed over time. “If you’re stuck in paper mailouts rather than doing video marketing, 然后你就被困在过去了, 而且你并没有真正使用今天可用的工具来帮助你的业务达到下一个水平,汉密尔顿说.

In today’s market, you are selling a lifestyle, not a home, Unger adds. “人们想看故事. They want to see a house that was flipped from the ground up. They want to watch it be torn up and put back together. 不要给他们看一套三室两卫的房子,除此之外什么都不说——没人在乎. They want to see something interesting,她说。.


Parr has seen some seasoned practitioners resist change. “他们不是不知道新的要求和责任——他们实际上在实践中抵制它们.”

For example, Parr remembers meeting with a prospect after the 经纪服务资料 (TXR 2501)表格成为必需. 帕尔的竞争对手已经和他谈过了,但他是第一个分享表格的人.

“看到这个我很沮丧,因为它说,不仅我的竞争对手没有跟上最新的要求, but they also were refusing to adapt them to their practice,他说.

冠状病毒大流行迫使2021十大正规彩票app专业人士学习如何在网上开展业务,并围绕这些工具开展业务实践. Agents and brokers are getting creative online in order to grow their businesses, Hamilton says.


There is still value in developing personal relationships, Hamilton notes. “经纪人忽略了一个事实,那就是他们需要培养的技能之一就是如何与人保持联系. 那些软技能——人际交往技能, 关系营销——在今天的市场中,对于代理商继续取得成功,建立他们的推荐和回头客业务至关重要.”

汉密尔顿观察到,一些经验丰富的代理不会像拥有更多时间的新代理那样投入同样的服务深度. 她说,如果你能提供竞争对手无法提供或不愿提供的东西,你就会大放异彩.

Parr believes the most critical skill for agents and brokers is listening. “积极倾听意味着你不仅要倾听,还要理解对方在说什么. 这一点非常重要,因为你想要了解客户的需求,并能够作为他们的代表把他们的需求放在首位. 当你倾听交易的另一方时,理解他们实际在沟通什么也是至关重要的.”

最终,你会改进你的练习. An investment in the fundamentals is an investment in 你的 entire real estate career.


德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers many courses to keep 你的 skills sharp.

合同是一个值得重新审视的话题, especially since TREC requires three hours of CE for license renewals. Courses on social media, listings, and open houses are also good choices.

德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® offers the Texas Accredited 商业 Specialist designation, which teaches you about market analyses and property development and management, 在其他技能中.

These courses are being offered in October and November:

  • 1-4合同新兵训练营
  • 避免合约陷阱
  • 经纪人责任课程
  • 你需要知道的表格
  • 清单101:坚果 & 螺栓
  • 2021十大正规彩票app和Facebook 101
  • TREC法律更新I和II
  • 编写清单描述.

欲知详情,请浏览 kkqja.com/findacourse.